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Revision as of 13:52, 13 September 2010 by RickClark (talk)

Release Process

Releases are on a timed schedule. This approach means that we try to get as much as we can into a release, but not more, based on a known date in the future that we're aiming for plus the size of each feature or fix intended for a release.

We manage and plan projects in Launchpad using Blueprints registered for the related project, such as Nova or Swift.

We track and report on Bugs in Launchpad.

What are Blueprints?

Blueprints are essentially lightweight feature specifications when they start, and a Blueprint gets discussed at a design summit. We use Blueprints in Launchpad to track features to go into a release.

Creating Blueprints

Before you create your blueprint, you may want to create a wiki page you can link to that contains more details than the 70 characters you get in the Blueprint itself. Go ahead and make a page so you can paste in the URL in the Blueprint. It'll be the page for the "Read the full specification" link on the main page for the Blueprint. At a design summit, that page is the area for collaborative authoring on the spec.

You create a Blueprint in Launchpad (OpenStack Blueprints page).

  1. Click Register a blueprint to start.
  2. Under For, choose the appropriate project.
  3. For the Name, enter the feature name with dashes for spaces. We use a naming convention to improve filtering and sorting of the Blueprints. Put the release name first, then the short feature name. For example, a release named austin uses austin-$feature as the naming scheme.
  4. For Title, use up to 70 characters to describe the feature.
  5. For URL, enter the wiki page that contains more detail. This is an optional field initially, and can be filled in after your Blueprint is discussed in detail at a Summit.
  6. For Summary, write a single-paragraph description of the feature. Yes, these are lightweight specs.
  7. For Definition Status, choose New.
  8. The Drafter field should be your launchpad ID, since you are creating the blueprint.
  9. The Assignee can be left empty, or you can put your launchpad ID, if you plan to implement the blueprint yourself.
  10. For the Approver, choose dendrobates (our very own Rick Clark).
  11. To request your blueprint be added to discussions at the next Summit, choose it from the Propose for sprint: dropdown list.
  12. Click Register Blueprint and you're done.

Blueprints from Nova and Swift get rolled into the OpenStack project in Launchpad so you can see a list at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack.

Writing More Detailed Specs

You will write a more detailed spec about your Blueprint in the OpenStack wiki, if it's discussed at a design summit.

Overview of the Process

Blueprint created -> Blueprint reviewed for inclusion at a design summit -> Blueprint discussed at design summit -> Blueprint approved for inclusion -> Blueprint implemented -> Blueprint released in a release