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Revision as of 18:15, 22 August 2013 by Farrellee (talk | contribs) (Savanna's PTL is TBD)

Savanna's PTL is Sergey Lukjanov


On 8 Aug 2013, the election of an official Savanna PTL was proposed during the weekly Savanna IRC meeting. The project had been operating with a benevolent dictator and wanted an opportunity to unite behind an agreed upon PTL. Over the following week, the community came together to form an election proposal. The proposal was ratified during the 15 Aug 2013 IRC meeting and the election commenced.

The themes driving the election were openness, inclusion and alignment with OpenStack standard practices.

The agreed upon electorate was anyone with commits to any of Savanna's four source code repositories, which includes core services, documentation and auxiliary tools. Because Savanna was less than 6 months old, this decision was equivalent to all other proposed options. For future elections, a horizon of 1 year was also proposed. With a goal of inclusion, no other criteria, such as amount of code or number of change sets or number of reviews, were imposed.

The candidate pool was self-selecting from the electorate. This was to avoid having candidates who may have to turn down the position.

The system chosen to run the election was http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/civs/.

The duration of the election was agreed to be 1 week, from 15 Aug's IRC meeting to 22 Aug's.

The term for the PTL was agreed to be immediate (22 Aug 2013) until the OpenStack Icehouse release. The goal was to have a PTL before the next OpenStack election cycle, and to align with the OpenStack cycle for future elections.

On 22 Aug 2013, the first Savanna PTL election was concluded. Sergey Lukjanov (14) won against None (0). The electorate contained 20 voters.