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Technical Committee Tracker

Revision as of 15:09, 4 June 2018 by Doug-hellmann (talk | contribs) (Other Initiatives)

The OpenStack Technical Committee is one of the governing bodies of the OpenStack project. You can find more information about it, such as the list of its current members or its governance charter, on the OpenStack TC governance website at https://governance.openstack.org/tc/ .

This page tracks the various governance changes being proposed and the various initiatives the Technical Committee is pursuing.

Other tasks can be found in the storyboard project.

Status last updated: 2018/06/04

Project team changes

Other Initiatives

Adjutant official project status

Drivers: zaneb

Status: Under discussion

The Adjutant team will not be present at the forum, but we will discuss our approach to reviewing team applications in general during the TC session about project "boundaries" [1] and Adjutant in particular on Thursday afternoon [2]


Allow projects to drop py27 support in the PTI

Drivers: mugsie, dhellmann

Status: Under discussion


Starting work on constellations


Status: Under discussion


Clarify new project requirements for affiliation diversity

Drivers: zaneb

Status: Under discussion


Adding a key manager to base services

Drivers: fungi

Status: In progress


Improving the visibility of status updates and announcements

Drivers: dhellmann, cdent, ttx

Status: In progress

We are investigating mailman 3, blogging, and Matrix, among other solutions.

Correction to TC member election section of bylaws

Drivers: fungi, dhellmann

Status: On hold until the next Foundation vote

This was discussed in the joint leadership meeting in Vancouver. The change requires a member vote, and the Board passed a resolution allowing the Foundation Secretary to propose the bylaws change as part of the next Board election (early 2019). We anticipate other bylaws changes at the same time.

Section 3.b.i reads "An Individual Member is an ATC who has..." but should read "An ATC is an Individual Member who has…"

How do we track updates to old goals for new projects?

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: In progress


Ownership and publishing for the operations guide

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: Resolved, they will start a SIG to own the repository for the guide so it can be published to docs.openstack.org.



Drivers: mnaser, EmilienM

Status: In progress


Murano Team Status

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: On hold

With ZTE's future at question, a Murano team member contacted me about the future of the project. I am currently waiting for the question to be raised in an email thread.

Organizational diversity tags

Drivers: ttx, mnaser

Status: Under discussion


Clarifying the terms of service for hosted projects

Drivers: zaneb

Status: Under discussion


Technical Vision for OpenStack

Drivers: zaneb, ttx

Status: Early

Zane offered to start creating a "technical vision" for OpenStack to help clarify the boundary for where projects fit into OpenStack and where they may not.


Stein Series Goals

Drivers: smcginnis

Status: Early

Sean organized a session at the Rocky Forum to discuss improving our goal selection process and specific goals for Stein.


Anti-nitpicking Cultural Change

Drivers: TheJulia, ttx

Status: In progress


Trove Project Health

Drivers: ttx, theJulia

Status: New

During the public cloud issues session at the Rocky Forum someone in the room raised the question of whether Trove is still actively maintained.


tags indicating the upgrade support in deployment tools

Drivers: ttx

Status: New

During the FFU session at the Rocky Forum, Dan Smith and David Medberry indicated interest in defining tags to describe what upgrade features deployment tools have.


Reviewing the TC Vision

Drivers: ttx, EmilienM, fungi

Status: In progress


Reviewing TC Office Hour Times and Locations

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: New

During the retrospective at the Rocky Forum we talked about changing our office hour times or using different tools to make them more accessible.


Actively Monitoring Teams

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: New

During the retrospective at the Rocky Forum we discussed more actively engaging with project teams and SIGs to anticipate issues we can help resolve.

Dragonflow did not produce a Queens release. Their last release was 4.0.0 on Sept 1, 2017. Should projects that do not prepare releases be considered official? -- dhellmann

Rally may be moving out to GitHub? https://github.com/xrally and https://xrally.org -- dhellmann


Status of Electorate


Status: New

During the retrospective at the Rocky Forum we discussed the status of the TC electorate, and what is perceived as a low level of engagement. This needs a bit more research to compare recent elections so we can understand how things stand, and then we should talk about ways to improve the situation.


Improving the help-wanted list

Drivers: dims

Status: New

During the Board/TC/UC meeting at Vancouver, we came up with an idea on what we can put together a better way to ask platinum/gold and other companies in the eco system for help (crossing traditional job descriptions and volunteer/skill match websites)


provide more detail about the expectations we place on goal champions

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: Approved


project infrastructure governance proposal

Drivers: dhellmann

Status: Under discussion

corvus started a discussion about the relationship between the foundation projects and the infrastructure management team as that team shifts from being governed by the TC to being a foundation-wide project.
