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Multiple Cinder drivers set insecure file permissions


Several Cinder volume drivers set insecure file permissions for various files and directories. These permissions render the files accessible for read and write to any user with access to the Cinder host as well as any processes running on it. This exposes user block storage data to potential disclosure, corruption, or destruction.

Affected Services / Software

Cinder, Folsom, Grizzly, Havana, Icehouse


Several Cinder drivers set file permissions that allow read and write access to 'group' and 'others'. Affected drivers include:

  • GPFS
  • GlusterFS
  • Huawei
  • NetApp/NFS
  • Nexenta
  • NFS
  • Scality

Essentially, user volumes are made accessible to all who have access to the Cinder host. Daemons running on the host are also able to access the affected user volumes. The relaxed file permissions can be exploited to disclose, modify, corrupt, or destroy user volume data.

All versions of Cinder are vulnerable in Icehouse and earlier releases with a single exception: systems using the Icehouse GPFS driver.

This issue was reported by Dirk Mueller of SUSE.

Recommended Actions

The GPFS driver in the Icehouse release fixes the file permissions issue and also executes shell commands in non-root mode where possible. Unfortunately, it is not practical to back-port the fix for the GPFS driver to earlier OpenStack releases. It is anticipated that the other affected drivers will be fixed in the OpenStack Juno release.

It is not possible to simply modify the file permissions to mitigate the issue, as several of the affected drivers currently require the relaxed file permissions to function. Additionally, file manipulation cannot be uniformly restricted to a non-root user because often times a file may be created on one host using one uid, but mounted on another host using a different uid.

You can check what drivers are being used by Cinder by executing the following command on your Cinder host:

 > grep "^volume_driver" /etc/cinder/cinder.conf

You should compare the results of the above command against the list of known vulerable drivers in the "Discussion" section above to see if you are affected. If you are running the Icehouse version of Cinder and the GPFS driver is the only driver in use, your Cinder system is not vulnerable to this issue.

In the likely scenario that your system is vulnerable, you should limit access to the Cinder host as much as possible. You should also explore alternatives such as applying mandatory access control policies (SELinux, AppArmor, etc) or using NFS uid squashing to control access to the files in order to minimize the possible exposure.

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