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Revision as of 17:55, 26 April 2012 by JayPipes (talk)


In order to better communicate the progress of the QA team to the overall community, Tempest contributors think it would be a good idea to get into a regular cadence of posting a QA meeting agenda prior to the weekly QA IRC meeting and posting a summary of the meeting.

For lack fo a better term, we'll use the term "QA Captain" to describe the duties of publishing these things to the main mailing list.

This page serves as a simple rotating schedule for the QA team members to serve as the QA captain for the week.

Instructions for QA Captain

# Create an agenda for the meeting using the below template based on what happened at the last QA meeting, normal items for discussion, and feedback you gather from QA team members. Send the agenda out to both the main mailing list as well as the QA mailing list on or before close of business on Wednesday before the weekly IRC meeting
# After the weekly QA IRC meeting create a meeting summary using the template below and send the summary to the main mailing list as well as the QA mailing list before end of day on the Thursday
# Inform the next person on captain rotation that they are on duty the following week

Agenda Template

Meeting Summary Tempate
