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Beyond Metering - Extending Ceilometer

Etherpad: http://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-beyond-metering

Over the past few months, numerous request have been made to the Ceilometer project to extend its scope from just metering to more monitoring or alerting. This causes quite a few challenges but as we are instrumenting more and more openstack component to extract data from them, it makes sense to think on how we could extend our capabilities over time.

  • CloudWatch type functionality
    • what granularity of data is needed
    • should we collect data the same way
    • should we store collected data in our database
    • what other components would be needed
  • Alerting type functionality
    • what granularity of data is needed
    • should we collect data the same way
    • should we store collected data in our database
    • what other components would be needed
  • Other types?

What is the difference between monitoring and metering?


  • used by a billing system which is a part of the deployment
  • has a fixed interval (normally 15 min - 5 min)
  • the data must be persistent
  • it is important that the data comes from a trusted source (not spoofed)


  • can be used by anyone (real user)
  • variable interval (set by the user) as low as 1 min
  • data can expire (deleted after a week or two)
  • data can be user generated or from a trusted source (configurable)
  • alarms can be configured to trigger notifications

What are alarms?

The purpose of Alarms is to notify a user when a meter matches a certain criteria.

Some examples

"Tell me when the maximum disk utilization exceeds 90%" "Tell me when the average CPU utilization exceeds 80% over 120 seconds" "Tell me when my web app is becoming unresponsive" (loadbalancer latency meter) "Tell me when my httpd daemon dies" (custom user script that checks daemon health)

Why integrate them into one project?

  • one statistics api
  • have one vibrant community rather that two that are less so
  • code reuse