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< XenServer
Revision as of 14:55, 21 March 2012 by JohnGarbutt (talk)

XenServer Networking Configuration

Keeping in mind this diagram:


Key Points

XenServer config:

  • We are assuming the XenServer has three physical interfaces: eth0, eth1, eth2
  • This means Dom0 has the following bridges: xenbr0, xenbr1, xenbr2
  • The Dom0 also has the host local xenapi network, usually the XenServer has the address

DomU config:

  • The DomU is a PV virtual machine (has a kernel with the para-virtualization extensions)
  • It generally has four interfaces
    eth0 -> connected to xenapi (xapi trafic)
    eth1 -> xenbr2 Tenant network traffic
    eth2 -> xenbr0 Management traffic (MySQL, RabbitMQ, Glance, etc)
    eth3 -> xenbr1 Public traffic (floating ip, api endpoints)

Key Flags you may need to change

Each have the DevStack setting and the nova.conf entry

Public Interface

The interface on DomU that connects to the public network. Used by nova-network so it sends the floating ip traffic on the correct network.

PUBLIC_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=eth3 public_interface=eth3

Guest Interface

The interface on DomU that has the VM instance traffic on. This is the interface the FlatDHCP DHCP server will listen on.



FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT=$(grep -o 'flat_network_bridge=[^.]*' /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f 2)

Network HA