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Revision as of 22:08, 16 February 2013 by Clark Boylan (talk | contribs)

Libvirt API

The current method for connecting to a libvirt-based hypervisor, through nova/virt/libvirt_conn.py, is functional but is lacking support for a number of great libvirt features. Some of the items we are missing are optimizations and others are simply new features that we could provide to the world if we take a step back and look at the design of the LibvirtConnection class.

Current Areas of Weakness

Long/Untestable Methods 
The number of unit-tests for LibvirtConnection is close to 0. There are a few functional tests, but individual unit tests are non-existent. Having long, complex function such as to_xml, destroy, spawn, lead to poor testability and inflexibility as the libvirt project grows and changes. The better we architect the link between OpenStack and libvirt, the more features we can provide in a stable fashion.
Database/Context Access 
I'm very much open to debate on this, but I feel like virt drivers have no business connecting to the database...nor should they know or care what a nova 'context' is. Contexts should be handled at the API level and database interactions need to occur in the compute manager. Right now there is an odd false security feeling because the only time context is used in the driver is to call "context.get_admin_context()".
KVM/QEMU-based Design 
The most popular backend for libvirt (I lack any sort of evidence for this statement.) is KVM/QEMU. As such it feels like a lot of the code is very much geared towards that connection type. Libvirt supports the following backends:
  • LXC - Linux Containers
  • OpenVZ
  • QEMU
  • Test - Used for testing
  • UML - User Mode Linux
  • VirtualBox
  • VMware ESX
  • VMware Workstation/Player
  • Xen

As such we should design our libvirt interface to allow for support of at least this list of hypervisor backends. One thing to note is that although libvirt supports the above 'drivers', using native APIs (such as the Xen XMLRPC API) is almost always going to provide more functionality vs. libvirt. This is why we have the XenAPI (nova/virt/xenapi/*) implementation as well as the libvirt implementation.

LoopingCall Inefficiencies 
The concept and initial implementation of "LoopingCall" is sound, but largely unneccesary when dealing with libvirt. Currently LoopingCall is used in 4 places (reboot, rescue, spawn, live_migration) and should be used in a fifth place (destroy). All of these calls can be replaced by linking in with libvirt's event notification service, which provide an asynchrounous way to detect when a VM changes state. No more polling! It's currently unclear to me if this works for all libvirt drivers, or if it only works with a subset (such as just QEMU).
Seperate Out Firewall Code 
While not directly related to LibvirtConnection, the netfilter/iptables firewall implementations as well as the baseclass is located in nova/virt/libvirt_conn.py and really should be moved out to someplace like nova/virt/firewall.py.
LibvirtConnection should seemingly work for qemu+ssh:// connections, but it will not due to functions which check for resources on the local host. Support for controlling non-local hypervisors would be a "wishlist" item for me, but something that should be in the back of the mind of whomever re-tools the code.

Proposal for Fixing and Improving

While this doesn't have to happen all at once and the classes don't need to live in the same file, cleaning up the code in some places is as easy as abstracting out libvirt-driver-based logic into relevant subclasses. An LXC connection might require "spawn" to create/mount 'rootfs', where QEMU doesn't.

Splitting up logic on a driver-connection-type-basis:

#!highlight python
class LibvirtConnection(driver.ComputeDriver):

class LinuxContainers(LibvirtConnection):

class UserModeLinux(LibvirtConnection):

class Xen(LibvirtConnection):

class Qemu(LibvirtConnection):

Support callbacks rather than polling:

#!highlight python
class LibvirtConnection(driver.ComputeDriver):
    def _process_event(self, domain, event, detail, extra): pass
    def _on_instance_start(self, instance_name): pass
    def _on_instance_stop(self, instance_name): pass
    def _on_instance_suspend(self, instance_name): pass
    def _on_instance_resume(self, instance_name): pass
    def connect(...):
        """Connect to a libvirt hypervisor and process callbacks."""

Break down existing methods into smaller, more testable chunks:

#!highlight python
# No code example to see here, just need to do it!

Stop calling the database from driver-level!

This data needs to be passed into the methods were it is needed and cached appropriately (as per the comment which is already there). This is already in place in a lot of places:
#!highlight python
def to_xml(self, instance, rescue=False, network_info=None):
    if not network_info:
        network_info = _get_network_info(instance)

would become:

#!highlight python
def to_xml(self, instance, network_info, rescue=False):
    # Or perhaps even have the instance object contain network_info
init_host(self, host) 
Instead of passing in the host name, we should be passing in a list of VMs which are expected to be on this host. Also, the `db.instance_set_state` should be removed in favor of setting the state at the compute manager level.
#!highlight python
def init_host(self, host):
    for instance in db.instance_get_all_by_host(...):

would become...

#!highlight python
def init_host(self, instances):
    for instance in instances:
destroy(self, instance, cleanup=True) 
This function currently loops, potentially forever, waiting for the instance to be in a SHUTOFF state. Instead we should remove the `_cleanup` and `firewall_driver.unfilter_instance` logic and add that logic to the appropriate callback defined earlier in this document.
reboot(self, instance) 
In the same notion as destroy, this LoopingCall can be removed and logic handled in the appropriate callback or callbacks.
rescue(self, instance, callback=None) 
See reboot
spawn(self, instance, network_info) 
See reboot
update_available_resource(self, ctxt, host) 
This call should be renamed to "get_available_resources" which returns a Hypervisor object which acurately describes that hypervisor's resources. This pushes the database update up into the compute manager.

Remove same-host assumptions:

#!highlight python
# When updating the host information, local data is provided 
# when libvirt doesn't support gathering that type of data 
# through the connection. The gathered data dictionary looks 
# like:

# Updating host information
dic = {
    'vcpus': self.get_vcpu_total(),
    'memory_mb': self.get_memory_mb_total(),
    'local_gb': self.get_local_gb_total(),
    'vcpus_used': self.get_vcpu_used(),
    'memory_mb_used': self.get_memory_mb_used(),
    'local_gb_used': self.get_local_gb_used(),
    'hypervisor_type': self.get_hypervisor_type(),
    'hypervisor_version': self.get_hypervisor_version(),
    'cpu_info': self.get_cpu_info(),
This needs to be rewritten to ensure it works with a remote hypervisor connection.
This needs to be rewritten to ensure it works with a remote hypervisor connection.
This needs to be rewritten to ensure it works with a remote hypervisor connection.
This function is OK!
This needs to be rewritten to ensure it works with a remote hypervisor connection.
This needs to be rewritten to ensure it works with a remote hypervisor connection.
This function is OK!
This function is OK!
This function is OK! Some interesting exception raising... but OK! :)

Remove seemingly un-used methods:

The `get_interfaces` and `get_disks` methods do not seem to be used anywhere in the project and as such they should be removed.